Left Girl: Are you me in 50 years?
Right Woman : Yeah. Is anything wrong with it?
Right Woman : Yeah. Is anything wrong with it?
LG: You look so different. What’s happened to you?
RW: Well… you don’t want to know.
LG: Was there something bad that happened?
RW: You mean I look old and bad?
LG: No! No! I don’t mean that, you look so young and great!
RW: I know you are saying it because you are me! But thank you anyway!
Lun*na Menoh is a Japanese-born artist who lives in Los Angeles. Her work deals with garments that expose the invisible thread between performance and fabric by making sculpturesque dresses, paintings, sculptures, and a series of runway shows with conceptual but wearable outfits. In early 2005, she started making music, and currently performs as Les Sewing Sisters. Her work was most recently exhibited by Totah Gallery, New York, and is held in the permanent collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The documentary, Who is Lun*na Menoh?, directed by Jeff Mizushima, was released in 2021.