Me with my first cell phone. A light pink Motorola Razr. A flip-phone that opened like a clamshell with a small square display on the front and a larger screen hidden inside. I got it for my birthday in the summer of 2007 when I turned 11. I can still remember what it felt like to slide my thumb underneath the top layer and flip it open. The screen would snap into place with a satisfying hard stop.
I knew I wanted the pink one. If I was choosing today, I would still want the pink one—and that I haven’t changed too much is beautiful and comforting to me.
I would press each button one, two, or three times to enter my text messages. I believe there was a light sound effect with each press? One time, I was texting a boy, who texted me, “wdywtta.” I did not know what that meant and I had to ask my friend to translate. It meant “what do you want to talk about.” I thought that was so unromantic.
This photo is from 2008. My family was on vacation at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. I’m wearing an American Eagle T-shirt that I bought with my mom at the Capital City Mall outside of Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania. I grew up in a town nearby called Mechanicsburg.
I do not remember anything about this hat. And I don’t know what ever happened to my little Motorola Razr. At some point, I moved on to a sleek black touch screen phone that slid up to reveal a keyboard. Then, finally, to an iPhone, which I still use today. But when I think about my first pink flip phone… I miss her with all of my heart.
Three years ago, I began to collect imagery of pretty machines. Maybe my way of holding on to her spirit?
Maya Man is an artist focused on contemporary identity culture on the internet. Her websites, generative series, and installations examine dominant narratives around femininity, authenticity, and the performance of self online. She is based in New York and online at mayaontheinter.net.